March 11, Happy Birthday Torquato Tasso
Torquato Tasso (Sorrento , March 11 1544 - Rome, April 25 1595) was a writer and poet Italian . Canto and the arms pitiful 'the captain
that' the great tomb of Christ freed. Very
he co oprò 's discretion and with the hand,
Born in Sorrento on 11 March 1544. His father was a writer
Bernardo and courtier in the service of the Prince of Salerno
Ferrante Sanseverino the Viceroyalty of Naples ,
[1] and his mother Portia de 'Rossi was descended from a noble family of Pistoia
[2] . A few years later the prince was banished from the kingdom and Bernardo followed his master, the old-age spending in arduous occupations of the court and not very profitable. At the age of 6 years Torquato went to Sicily
and in subsequent years
in Naples, where he was educated by Jesuits
and met Ettore
Thesorieri with whom he remained in correspondence. He stood up to ten years in Naples with his mother, then followed his father before the court of Urbino
, then to Venice
in the meantime the mother died, remained in Naples, perhaps poisoned by his brothers.
Between 1560 and 1565, Tasso completed his studies in
Padua and Bologna in
centers Aristotle's study of culture.
[1] The prestigious University of Padua first studied law, then literature and philosophy. In Padua rate laid the foundations of its culture and philosophy, mainly due to the knowledge of
Sperone Speroni. He tied the Academy of Ethereal and later that of the inflamed. In 1562, at the age of eighteen years, successfully published the epic poem of chivalry
[1] focuses on the adventures of a cousin of Orlando and also worked in the love lyric
[1] verses dedicated to Laura
Peperara known in Mantua, and to
Lucrezia Bendidio , lady
Eleonora d'Este.
[3] In 1565 he came to ;
Ferrara at the wedding of Duke Alfonso II
[4] , the service of Cardinal Luigi d'Este
, brother of the duke, and went
1570 the service of the duke himself.
[1] This was the happiest time of life of Tasso, in which the poet lived appreciated by the ladies and gentlemen for his poetic gifts and worldly elegance. The cultural wealth of the Este court was for him an important stimulus, it had to know
Battista Guarini, Giovanni Battista Pigna
and other intellectuals. For the amusement of the court in the summer of 1573 he represented the pastoral drama Aminta
. In this period continued the poem on the First Crusade, which began in '59, giving it the name
Gottifredo ; the poem venne ultimato tra il
1570 e l'aprile del
1575 e presentato a corte nell'estate di quell'anno. Ad esso seguì la stesura del
Discorso sull'Arte Poetica , un trattato teorico.
Tasso sottopose il suo poema al giudizio di cinque autorevoli letterati romani. Egli condivise in parte gli scrupoli degli illustri letterati, che gli avevano rivolto critiche di stampo moralistico. In replica a questo giudizio il poeta scrisse, nel 1576,
Allegoria .
Agli scrupoli letterari si unirono ben presto quelli religiosi, che assunsero la forma di vere e proprie manie di persecuzione. Per mettere alla prova its orthodoxy in the Christian faith is voluntarily submitted to the court of the Inquisition of Ferrara, which acquitted him. The delusions of persecution became more and more obvious: one day, considering spied on by a servant, threw him against a knife. The Duke Alfonso had him imprisoned in the convent of San Francesco, but he fled and, in
1578, he went to his sister at Sorrento, announcing his own death, so you can see his reaction: the revealed his true identity only after observing the reaction of the woman really grieved. This episode also highlights the author's mental disturbance, which showed signs of insecurity.
In 1579
returned to Ferrara at the court because he found the warm welcome we expect, I gave in outburst during the third wedding of Alfonso II Margherita Gonzaga. The Duke then locked him in the Hospital St. Anne, the famous cell called then "the rate", where he remained for seven years. Here, the delusions of persecution, joined by self-punitive trends. He wrote, however, continuous operation principles, clergy, gentlemen and intellectuals asking them to release him and defending his own person. In
1580, during his imprisonment, was published in Venice, without his consent, the first edition of the poem started at the age of fifteen, as the
Goffredo , composto di 14 canti. L'opera ebbe un grande successo. Il poeta decise allora di pubblicare a Ferrara nel
1581 la
Gerusalemme liberata .
Monumento in Sant'Onofrio
Nel marzo del
1588 Tasso, ripreso il frenetico peregrinare tra le corti e le città italiane, ritornò a Napoli per risolvere a proprio favore le cause contro i parenti per il recupero della dote paterna. Benché potesse contare sui parenti e sulle conoscenze altolocate partenopee, i Carafa di Nocera Inferiore, i Gesualdo, i Caracciolo di Avellino, i Manso, preferì accettare l'ospitalità di un convento di frati. In questa occasione scrisse il poemetto, rimasto incompiuto, "Monte Oliveto", in riferimento al convento in cui sorgeva il complesso monastico che attualmente ospita la caserma dei carabinieri (resta visitabile la
chiesa Sant'Anna dei Lombardi ).
Anche questo periodo napoletano si rivelò problematico per Tasso, a causa delle sue precarie condizioni di salute e delle ristrettezze economiche, a cui si aggiunsero anche nuove polemiche letterarie e religiose sulla
Gerusalemme liberata . Spostatosi a
Bisaccia , Tasso poté vivere un periodo di maggiore tranquility. Contacts with the Count di Bisaccia was also born the inspiration for dialogue
The Haunting, which is described in a spirit of love
appearing Rate
below the figure of a young man with blue eyes, similar to those which Homer attributes to the goddess of Athens .
Tasso died in Rome in 1595
to 51 years old, shortly before receiving his degree poetic promised him by the pope, Clement VIII
. He was buried in the Church of Sant 'Onofrio
the Gianicolo, in whose convent had been guests in search of spiritual solace in the last period of his life.
The Jerusalem Delivered is the greatest epic poem
of Torquato Tasso , first published in 1581
rate began to write the opera at the age of 15 years with the title of
Gierusalemme between 1559 and 1560 during his stay in Venice
, but stopped at 110
eighth , much less the twenty songs of Jerusalem Delivered
composed later. The Jerusalem Delivered
real, completed by the author in 1575
, was published in its entirety without the permission of the poet in 1580
81. Later, the poet went back to work and rewrote it by hand out all the love scenes, emphasizing the religious tone and epic storyline, eliminating a few episodes and then changing the title in
conquered Jerusalem, a work which, given the high review, is generally considered separately
Erminia Tancred found wounded, oil on canvas by Nicolas Poussin , 1649. |
shepherd, Aminta, falls in love with a nymph
, Silvia, but it is not reciprocated.
Daphne, a friend of Silvia, the recommended going to the source where it gets wet usually Silvia. Silvia is attacked at the source by a satyr
who is about to rape her, save in circumstances where the Aminta. But you, ungrateful, run away without thanking him. Aminta is owned by a veil of blood and dirt Silvia thinks it's been eaten by wolves. Addolorato per la presunta morte dell'amata decide di suicidarsi gettandosi da una rupe. Silvia, che in realtà non è morta, ricevuta la notizia del
suicidio di Aminta, presa dal rimorso e resasi conto di amarlo si avvicina al corpo piangendo disperata. Ma Aminta è ancora vivo perché un cespuglio ha attutito la caduta e riprende i sensi e così la vicenda si conclude con il matrimonio dei due.