The Regional Meeting PC would then travel in the territory |
TREVISO - SarĂ dunque la Provincia di Treviso ad ospitare, nella primavera del 2011, l’annuale Meeting Regionale di Protezione Civile , manifestazione giunta alla dodicesima edizione, che si propone di diffondere tra la popolazione una vera e propria cultura della protezione civile costituendo un momento d’incontro, approfondimento tecnico e di ringraziamento per l’opera svolta dalle migliaia di volontari veneti che operano nel settore.
Lo ha deciso la Giunta regionale che, su proposta dell’assessore Daniele Stival , ha deliberato di rendere itinerante la manifestazione e di collocarla di anno in anno in different areas of the territory.
"It 's a proposal that came to us by the provinces of the Veneto region - highlights Stival - and we have accepted with pleasure. Lonigo, who had hosted the previous editions - added Boots - did a great job, but the shape traveling seemed to us the better to spread more widely the culture and the peculiarities of valuable asset for the safety of people like that Civil Protection . So - add Stival - the protagonists will be made from time to time the various provinces, municipalities and voluntary work related to each particular country and may be promoted events and simulations of different scenarios based on local characteristics of the affected areas from time to time. "
Treviso will host the first of this year touring in 2011, followed in 2012 it's up to Rovigo and Belluno 2013 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the tragedy of Vajont.
Subsequent editions will touch then Padua, Venice, Verona and Vicenza.
Previously, the Meeting was held annually Lonigo (VI)
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