motor learning
Learning motor scans the whole of life: you start learning at birth and continue until old age. The ability to acquire new gestures is called motor learning ability and can es-being is assessed by measuring the time it takes to successfully seize the motor action, both through the quality of the learned movement, which is expressed in the degree of efficiency and accuracy .
In early childhood learning ability is low, then marks a rapid acceleration-tion during the early school years (6 -10), and reaches the highest degree of increase after 10 -11 years (this age is considered the ' Golden Age of Learning techniques), then stabilizes, until, in late adulthood and old age, is reduced fairly significantly. It 'important to remember that in fact never runs out and the only way to maintain their active exercise.
Learning skills is the basis and motor development in young people, each experience should help to increase it. Especially in children it is essential to establish a course of physical education and sports aimed not so much the end of processing techniques (specification) as the development of this special ability. The acquisition of technical skills (the basics of the sport) should avvenire attraverso ripetizioni coscienti e controllate; lo sviluppo della capacità di apprendimento, infatti, è massimo se le esercitazioni vengono effettuate con consapevolezza.
Quale apprendimento?
Apprendere un gesto significa, come prima cosa, appropriarsi della sua funzione: ovvero permettere a chi apprende di raggiungere lo scopo dell’azione per cui esso è progettato; ogni altra operazione è subordinata e successiva. Naturalmente un’azione motoria per raggiungere un livello di efficacia accettabile deve essere realizzata con una forma abbastanza corretta, forma che però è successiva alla funzione, non può precederla. Spesso, infatti, fornendo ad un allievo adeguate istruzioni per rendere il gesto più efficace, si ottiene anche un miglioramento, a volte spettacolare, della forma.
L’apprendimento motorio dovrebbe passare attraverso tre fasi:
· La produzione del risultato. Rappresenta il primo obiettivo, che si ottiene ordinando, anche grossolanamente, in forma simultanea o successiva, i movimenti parziali che costituiscono l’azione motoria.
· Il miglioramento della presa di informazione finalizzato allo sviluppo del “senso del movimento” (processi percettivi). Si ottiene attraverso ripetizioni del gesto realizzate in forma consapevole e controllata. La ripetizione, se effettuata in forma cosciente, rende sempre più “visibili” le informazioni cinestesiche e consente la loro rielaborazione per il perfezionamento fine del movimento
· La rielaborazione “mentale”, cioè la presa di coscienza e la rielaborazione delle sensazioni cinestesiche, la loro piena comprensione (attraverso la definizione dei rapporti di causa ed effetto), la rappresentazione mentale del movimento e l’incremento progressivo della capacità di tradurre queste sensazioni motorie in parole (verbalizzazione). Questa fase dell’apprendimento, che si conclude con la memorizzazione consapevole del gesto nella sua interezza e/o nei dettagli, non sempre viene raggiunta pienamente. Rappresenta infatti uno stadio caratteristico dello sport evoluto ed in particolare di quelle discipline nelle which technology is understood as an expression of the gesture, is being evaluated (sport and technical combined), or it can ensure a stronger economization of movement and a consequent high energy savings (endurance sports with a high component of identity: swimming, skiing, skating, rowing, canoeing, etc ...).
The three stages of learning are in strong interaction. Production of the result, the development of conscious perception of motion and automation of the gesture, then, even when treated as separate processes, represent a unique phenomenon of sensory-psycho-motor that is the essence of learning, a complex process that does not translate only acquisition a motor automatism, but leads to a further improvement of processes which provide the motor coordination.
The correct automation of a movement in its end, in fact, is not the product of mere repetition of the gesture, it is mainly the result of the improved motor coordination, that is the Alliance's ability to control and regulate the movement. An improvement is all the more pronounced the more the tasks are varied and appropriate to the students and the more consciously they apply for their resolution.
To encourage the development of coordination (and especially the ability to learn, basic in the very young) Therefore, exercises should be chosen not only for their immediate usefulness, but also to request the transfer motor, a phenomenon essential for the subsequent development of quality of movements.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
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1 Will Smith - The Pursuit of Happyness - protect the dream
This blog was created with the collaboration of S. Fois
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The Daspi, the prohibition of spectator sports, not only for the fans mob, but for some parents, youth camps and on potted plants and act as instigators of violence are real. It 'a wish (a working hypothesis? A simple dream?) the Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, launched in an interview with "The Football Illustrated, the monthly magazine of the Amateur League. Here is the passage of the interview, in which Maroni explains the reason for that thought ... When I am appalled to witness scenes of parents who really go against all the principles and values \u200b\u200bof the soccer boys. There are parents who turn their children into gladiators, they do weigh a wrong step, giving the idiot coach who replaces them or no longer speak with the parents of the boy who does not pass the ball. This is a punitive way, exasperated and completely wrong to live the football to train parents and children. As remedy? If I could, would introduce the Daspi education outside the camps to keep their parents possessed playing against the growth of children and their companions. Turned his passion under pressure. Extent irreversibly affect the entire group, even those kids who have parents able to make the parents of an athlete. The question is essentially cultural and I think we all have to do something to raise the rate of sports culture. Which is also civics. "It would not hurt. But it is difficult to get to a road. Certainly would get better results than other measures to combat soccer violence.
The Daspi, the prohibition of spectator sports, not only for the fans mob, but for some parents, youth camps and on potted plants and act as instigators of violence are real. It 'a wish (a working hypothesis? A simple dream?) the Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, launched in an interview with "The Football Illustrated, the monthly magazine of the Amateur League. Here is the passage of the interview, in which Maroni explains the reason for that thought ... When I am appalled to witness scenes of parents who really go against all the principles and values \u200b\u200bof the soccer boys. There are parents who turn their children into gladiators, they do weigh a wrong step, giving the idiot coach who replaces them or no longer speak with the parents of the boy who does not pass the ball. This is a punitive way, exasperated and completely wrong to live the football to train parents and children. As remedy? If I could, would introduce the Daspi education outside the camps to keep their parents possessed playing against the growth of children and their companions. Turned his passion under pressure. Extent irreversibly affect the entire group, even those kids who have parents able to make the parents of an athlete. The question is essentially cultural and I think we all have to do something to raise the rate of sports culture. Which is also civics. "It would not hurt. But it is difficult to get to a road. Certainly would get better results than other measures to combat soccer violence.
This blog was created with the collaboration of S. Fois
Sunday, July 18, 2010
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Questo blog è stato creato con la collaborazione di S.Fois
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Questo blog è stato creato con la collaborazione di S.Fois
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Questo blog è stato creato con la collaborazione di S.Fois
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This blog was created with the collaboration of S. Fois
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